Turbonav comes with a 14-day free trial, so you can try the cool commands like /schedule, /focus, and /block. When you’re ready to buy a license key, here’s how to:

How to Activate a License Key

  1. To buy a license key, go to https://turbonav.gumroad.com/l/turbonav-pro
  2. Once you’ve subscribed, you’ll have access to a license key.
  3. Copy the license key.
  4. In Turbonav, select a Pro feature or type "/activate license key" and select the option


  1. Paste the license key into the Activate License Key view
  2. Done, you’ll have access to all Pro features on Turbonav


Manage License Key

  1. Type "/manage license key" and select the option


  1. Click Manage Subscription, you’ll navigate to the Gumroad product page where you can manage your subscription
